Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oz: The Great and Powerful

   This movie was a prequel to the Wizard of Oz. We get to learn how the wizard got to Oz, why they accepted him, and a little bit more about Oz. It is a fun story, there just isn't a lot of feeling to it. You don't particularly feel for any of the characters, except the witches (believe it or not), but that might just be because they were played by Rachel Weiss and Mila Kunis.
   The story starts with James Franco being a tool and using magic to get some ass. He's pretty good at tricking women into falling for him and being his assistant while he is in town. Then he gets caught up in a tornado, and dumped in Oz. He meets the witches, his charm fails, miserably, and he suffers self-defeat, and then he saves the day! It's pretty cookie cutter, except that Mila Kunis and Rachel Weiss added some spice, and evil. They really did kind of steal the show.
   I've never really been a fan of Michelle Williams, so it all kind of went down hill for me when she stepped onto the scene. She was very meh, and even adopted a more meh voice as the good witch to go with it. Though, to her credit, the voice and the half closed eyes did temper the passion and evilness of the evil witches.
    Despite the lack of feeling, I really did like this story. I always like getting to know the background of any story. It never really made sense to me that someone could just accidentally hot-air balloon into a place and be put on a pedastal the way the Wizard was in the Wizard of Oz. This story really makes it all come together. It explains why the Wizard didn't/couldn't leave Oz, how he got to be in such a position in the first place, and a little bit more about the witches, why they are evil, and why one is green while the other is not. :)
     In the end, I give this a 6.5 out of 10. It was fun to watch through bleh to feel.

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