Sunday, September 8, 2013

Iron Man 3

   Robert Downing, Jr. That is all I have to say. He is simply wonderful and is the reason these movies have had such great success. And, in round 3 of Iron Man, he steals the show again. We get even more development, and a time-line connection to The Avengers that helps put all of these connected moves into order.
    This is definitely better than the second one, but still not quite as good as the first. The first Transformers and the first Iron Man were just so unexpectedly good, that I doubt any sequel will be able to beat them. They were also some of the first truly spectacular superhero movies in a long time, so they are just hard to beat in general. That being said, this latest installment does the great superhero era justice. There is the bad guy that is tricky to figure out and easy to both love and hate (Guy Pearce played that role excellently). There is the continued love interest that keeps growing with its ebb and flows. And there is the continued development of Tony Stark (a more complicated character than I could have ever wanted!).
    The end contains a few surprising twists that will make the next Avengers movie interesting, but could also allow for a satisfying end to the Iron Man movies, if that is what the producers end up deciding to do.Of course Gwyneth Paltrow was great again as Pepper, and, like I said earlier, Guy Pearce was excellent as well.
    In the end, I give this a 9 out of 10. Can't get much better from a cheesy action flick.

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