Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cloud Atlas

    Fascinating movie, though I definitely feel like it could have been better. Now I really want to read the book. In some parts it was kind of hard to follow, and in others I was more than just a little lost. I'm hoping this was just because it was based on a book that was just a little too complicated to adequately translate into a movie.
    The idea of the movie seems to be that throughout time there are certain lives that repeat in order to play a different role in the fate of the world at different points in time. These lives run in both identical and different ways each time, and it seems as if there are also people who can manipulate time to try to alter events in the past and future. It truly seems to be a complicated web of events that do not make complete sense until closer to the end of the movie. And even then, I'm obviously still unsure as to how it all exactly worked. I think this is one that they probably should have just ignore pieces of the book to make it a better movie, or should have tried for a mini-series instead of a movie. Like I said, it was fascinating, though it really could have been much better.
    Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving (who will forever be known to me as that evil guy in The Matrix), Susan Sarandon, and Hugh Grant are just a few of the impressive cast selected for the roles in this movie. Some of them have recurring lives in every timeline addressed while others are more sparingly involved. They each did a great job of portraying the similarities and differences choices can make on future timelines. For example, because Tom Cruise chooses the low road in a couple of his lives, he plays more lowly people in some of his future lives.
    In the end, I give this a 6.5 out of 10. It kept my attention, but left me wanting something so much better.

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