Sunday, September 8, 2013

Now You See Me

    Pretty interesting movie. It's fun, suspenseful, not overly predictable, and keeps your attention by holding back the motives until the very end. You really have to pay attention the whole way through to be able to piece everything together in the end, which is really great for my add brain!
    I don't really want to say too much about this one because I don't want to accidentally give anything away. This is one of those movies that trying to figure it out before they tell you is more than half of the fun. The story starts by bringing four top-notch magicians together because they each have their own specialties that combine to make a great show. It then skips a year to their first big show, which ends up being a bank heist, and follows the rest through an FBI investigation that tries to figure out how they are operating and tries to stop any more robberies. Each event is tied together and each one has a specific purpose all of its own. The motives behind each show are what really keep things interesting.
     Morgan Freeman, Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, David Franco (James Franco's cute little brother), Mark Ruffalo, Michael Cain, Michael Kelly, and Common are the biggest names in the cast, and they are all pretty excellent. They do a great job of making you cheer, tense with anticipation, and maybe even weep at every appropriate moment.
    In the end, I give this an 8 out of 10. It was fun the first go round, and I reserve the right to bump the rating if it is just as much fun the second go round.

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