Sunday, September 8, 2013


   Matthew McConaughey can actually act! I mean, I know he is an actor, and I generally like his movies, but generally that is regardless of his acting abilities. He usually plays the same kind of person, a jock with a sometimes deeper personality that is either sweet, super intelligent, or otherwise lovable that makes you fall for him every time. This was him in A Time to Kill, Two for the Money, and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (which are some of my favorite Matthew McConaughey movies). In this, he is a deeply troubled hick who ends up having layers upon layers of complications that just keep getting added as the story develops.
     The kids also try to steal his show by having their own coming of age story, and the two mix together quite well. The boys find Mud on an island in the middle of a river in Mississippi. He convinces them to help him try to escape and reunite with he true love by painting this wonderful story that ends up not being at all reflective of reality. At the same time, the boys are dealing with their own issues of urbanization, growing up, love, and learning how to be just old enough to start truly seeing adult interactions, but still to young to fully comprehend the true complexities of those situations. It really is a great network of stories all rolled together in this new age coming of age adventure.
    Reese Witherspoon shows up as Mud's love interest, and definitely dominates the screen during her rather sparse appearances. Michael Shannon plays a small roll, Sam Shepard is wonderful as the father who simply does not know how to be a man when his world is changing and disappearing under his feet, and Sarah Paulson does well as the strong and urbanizing mother/wife.
    In the end, I give this a 9 out of 10. It really is a good one.

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