Monday, December 3, 2012


     So, I know this came out earlier in the fall, and my reviews are generally reserved for movies in theaters, but I just watched it on Redbox, and it was awesome! I was really disappointed in this summer's movie selection, but the fall has definitely made up for it. The only problem? Law school, and no real job, get in the way of me going to see all the movies! Which is why I have to post delayed reviews of redboxed movies!
    And, now that I have fully explained the seemingly late post, I just need to reiterate, this movie is great! You can hate on Shia LaBeouf all you want, but I think he has some talent. At least, he did in this movie. Now, some of his others, maybe not so great, and it might have been Tom Hardy and some others who truly carried the day, but you can't knock Shia's performance in Lawless. However, the accent did get a little annoying.
    Speaking of the cast, let's just go through the big ones. Guy Pearce, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska, and Gary Oldman. Guy Pearce was super creepy, had a very strange accent, and thankfully died in the end. Gary Oldman was a badass gangster, with a limited role, but excellent as always. And then there was Tom Hardy. The unsung star of the movie. I love him. He can be suave (like in This Means War), super creepy and evil (like in The Dark Knight Rises), simply a badass (like in Inception) somewhat of a combination of all three (like in Lawless). Not to mention, no matter how gruff he gets, he's still pretty damn hot! His only problem in this movie? He made the girl make the move.
    But, enough about the cast, that's not really all that important. The movie itself was stellar. This movie is about moonshining in the 1930s in Virginia. This included a great plot, that kept moving in different directions. There was violence, intrigue, sex, love, politic-ing, historical accuracy, a good v. evil dynamic, a legend, and an all-around decent flow. My only complaint was in the end. The story was chugging (ha!) along and then seemed to all of a sudden hit a mini-climax that led to the the big climax and then it was done. There was no slow descent, it was simply done. (Yes, that is what she said). While that may be appropriate in some situations (see the previous joke), it is not appropriate for good stories. English 101, you story slowly reaches the climax and then is at least somewhat slowly resolved. It is not supposed to almost simultaneously climax and end.
    That being said, the movie pulled it off. I wanted a little more story, but it still ended well. There was resolution, there was a change, and there was ending. I don't want to completely spoil things by saying whether it was a happy or a sad ending. I will simply leave it at an ending. :) Needless to say, go watch this movie!
    In the end, I give this movie a 9.5 out of 10 (there was a LITTLE bit more substance than Pitch Perfect :) ). I really did enjoy this.


     I love the Bond movies. I love them all, Casino Royal, Quantum of Solace, Tomorrow Never Dies, Goldeneye, Goldfinger, Live and Let Die, etc. So, I love new Bond and classic Bond almost equally. With that in mind, I really liked this movie. It really highlighted the differences between Daniel Craig's Bond, the new Bond, said it was sticking with the new Bond, and seemed to assuage the haters doubts about the new Bond all at the same time. Not to mention, Javier Bardem is simply amazing. He was certifiably and terrifyingly crazy, but soooo good!
    The new Bond is somewhat less glamorous, in that he is more human (yes, he gets seriously tortured and takes time to recover), has fewer toys, and has real feelings, but he is still just as much of a suave badass as Sean Connery. That badassness is affirmed, or for some finally shown, in this movie. I think one of the best examples is in the previews, and the first few moments of the movie, when Daniel Craig is running along the top of the train, that the bad guy tries to separate to get rid of him, and he jumps off of a crane, into the train car just as the crane rips away half of the the train car, and acts as if he was just simply walking from one car into another as he continues chasing the bad guy. Crazy. However, I think these movies are better than other Bond movies in that not only is Daniel Craig still a badass, but there is also depth to his character.Yes, James Bond is the ultimate spy, but I like the fact that he can still be human, and gets attached, and he is just as good/bad of a shot as the people who are trying to shoot him (it's pretty ridiculous to watch some of the other  movies where James Bond is constantly being shot at, is always missed, but HE happens to hit everyone he tries to shoot).
     So, not only does this movie keep what I like about the new Bond, it also pays its respects to the old Bonds. There is a funny little quip from the new Q that they don't need the fancy-schmancy, over-the-top toys because that is just ridiculous. Daniel Craig brings out his Bond car, guns in the headlights and all. The love connection with Money Penny begins. Etc. I think these things are what takes the movie from good, like the first two Daniel Craig movies, into great. They are no longer developing/explaining Bond. He has suffered his trials and tribulations, and is now firmly rooted in both the past and future in a way that ensures Daniel Craig's continued presence in the series. This is good news, because he is beautiful. :)
    So, in the end, I give his movie a 8 out of 10. It was enjoyable, and I want to go see it again. I think I'll like it more the more I watch it.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2

    So, I not only went ot see this movie the night it came out, but I also sat through almost an entire marathon of the first 4 movies. At one point I thought I was a fan, I have changed my mind. Apparently I am very good at skipping over things I don't like, so when I read the books (yes I will admit to that) I blocked out the utter annoyance that is Bella Swan and focused on the rest of the characters. In the book, they were good and I could do that. The movies are a completely different story. When I first sawa Twilight, I just thought the movie was terrible because of Kristen Stewart and because they messed up a lot of things in the book. However, after watching it again along with all the other movies, I have decided that my first impression was not wrong, but it was not complete either. These movies are crap, this story is crap, and Bella Swan (and Kristen Stewart) is the most annoying, pathetic, whinny character I have put up with.
   That being said, Breaking Dawn, Part 2, was actually pretty decent. Bella was stronger, no longer pathetic, and actually had some feistiness. It also probably helped that she was not the focal point. There are so many new characters added in this segment that you get to forget the annoying original for a little bit. Garrett is super hot, Benjamin is pretty cute too. Getting to see how they put together everyone's powers is pretty cool too. Edward and Jacob finally stop fighting, Bella stops flip flopping and being sad and pathetic, there is a fight scene, a happy ending, and it's finally over (I think). So, there is a win for everyone!!!
   I still hate Kristen Stewart, but Jasper's hair is better, Edward is not so pale, the wolves still prance around shirtless, and there is new eye candy! How they show Bella's sheild is pretty interesting. Martin Sheen is fantastic. There are quite a few humorous moments. All-in-all, I couldn't really complain. Now, if I watch this movie again (which is debatable) outside of the influence of the other Twilight movies, I might not have such good things to say. But, given that caveat, this movie really was pretty enjoyable. It has love, it has action, it has some hints of sex, it has humor, and it has an ENDING! What else could you ask for?
   In the end, I give this movie an 8 out of 10 when compared to the other movies in the series and a 6 out of 10 when taken out of it's element.


     So, I wasn't quire sure what I thought about this movie when I first saw it some time ago, but now I think I like it. It was not at all what I was expecting when I went to see it. From the previews, I was expecting to watch a some sort of cheesy action film. Bruce Willis was supposed to come back to the past and share some deep dark secret with his young self. This secret was going to lead to them running around in the past together to save the future world. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt were supposed to be joint heros who save the day. It was supposed to be a relatively happy movie. That is not what happened.
    Bruce Willis did have a secret. The secret does lead Bruce Willis, and a little bit of Joseph Gordon Levitt, to run around in the past. But, Bruce Willis is not trying to save the world. He has his own agenda, and Joseph Gordon Levitt doesn't really have any interest in helping his future self out. In fact, the longer the movie goes on, the more Joseph Gordon Levitt disagrees with his future self. Neither one of them, past or future, are really good people. In fact, neither one of them really has any redeeming qualities on the surface, which I think is part of why I couldn't decide if I liked the movie at first.
   Before Bruce Willis shows up, there are some really disturbing scenes of crazy drugs and murders and things. So, I didn't really think the movie was going to be all that different from expecations until I got about half way through it. The disturbing parts were very artistically done, which makes the rating make sense. Speaking of the rating, such a high rotten tomatoes rating, 93%, should have been the give away. With the noted exception of The Avengers, good (cheesy) action films do not get high ratings.
   The story-line was also kind of artsy. It ended up being a pretty big commentary on society and the connectivity of past, present, and future. The title, Looper, is the name given to people in Joseph Gordon Levitt's profession, but it is also representative of the underlying theme to the movie. Life, our actions, cycles. Violence loops into violence, and kindness loops into kindness. In the end, one decision, either right or wrong, will loop into the future, which loops back into the past (with the invention of a time machine, of course). The more I think about it, the more fascinated I get. I will see this movie again, but I'm not sure I'll own it.
   In the end, I give this move a 7 out of 10, though I reserve the right to change that. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pitch Perfect

     I LOVED this movie!!! It has it all, good story, good acting, fun, drama, and great music! I could probably just leave it at that, give it my rating, and be done for the day, but I feel like I need to explain my opinion instead of just stating it. :)
     Ok, so, to start this movie just had a fun story. "Alt girl" is forced to do something mundane, go to college, when all she wants to do is go to L.A. and dj. She is forced to socialize, and get involved, messes things up, finds out she does like school, and low and behold, there is a happy ending!! O, and there is wonderful singing to great songs all along the way, could it get any better?
    Anna Kendrick, Jessica in Twilight and Katherine the psychologist/love interest in 50/50, was delightful. She did a great job being moody and hateful then transitioning to fun and loving. The supporting actresses and actors were equally as good. They provided the comic relief, they stirred the pot to add some drama, and kept the story moving along when Anna Kendrick was off brooding or contemplating her own missteps.
    The main guy, Skylar Astin, was also great. He's cute, his character was adorable, funny, and could sing. Also, he LOVED movies, and made Anna Kendrick's character fall in love with them too, which obviously struck a chord with me. So, he was obviously the perfect guy.
    Now to the music. If you like Glee, you will love this movie. If you love Glee, you will love this movie even more. I think one of my favorite moments, in reference to Glee, was the statement that college A Capella group is far and above a high school glee club, so participating in a glee club means nothing in this arena. Considering the fact that all the music (instruments, beats, everything) comes from the individual members singing, that is probably a very fair statement. You not only have to sing, but also have to be able to harmonize words, instruments, and everything, with just your voice. That is pretty impressive. But, I digress. the singing was impressive, especially the mash-ups. Yes, there are A Capella mash-ups! At the end, they mixed new and old songs together flawlessly. It was great.
     Now, this is not the most amazing, throught-provoking, artistic film made. It's not even necessarily the best film ever made. It was just fun, enjoyable, up-lifting, and left me wanting to see it again almost immediately. That is what I call a good movie!
     In the end, I give this a 9 out of 10. 10 is absolute perfection, and that is almost impossible to get. :)

Moonrise Kingdom

     Wes Anderson always has interesting movies, to say the least. This movie was cute, and had a sweet story of young love that, in the end, will leave you with a smile. However, getting to the smile is a bit of a whirlwind. It takes a moment to figure out exactly what is going on, and even when you do, it doesn't get that much easier to follow.
     This movie was about a boy and a girl who hated their lives and loved one another. They met one day, wrote a few letters, and escaped from a portion of their lives for a while to live together in the woods, there was also a huge storm, like a hurricane, that added some drama/action into the mix.
      This was also a movie PACKED with star power. Bruce Willis was loveable, Edward Norton was too. Frances McDormand and Bill Murray were perfectly neurotic/crazy. Tilda Swinton was perfectly logical and unfeeling, and Jason Swartzman had a blip of stupid/crazy that added some more humor to the story. The main boy and girl also did well and may be future stars.
      It was artsy, it was pretty, the acting was spot-on and, like I said, it leaves you with a smile. It really was well done in the elements. Like I said, I think I liked it in the end, but was more than a little doubtful through the viewing experience. When I watch a movie, I want something that has everything, good story, good acting, good filming and directing. This movie had all of the pieces, I'm just not sure I really liked the presentation.
     In the end, I give this a 6 out of 10.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Campaign

     So, if you're looking for a relatively funny movie with a not so hidden message, then look no further than The Campaign. The best/scariest part is that a lot of the craziness is kind of true.....The second best part, it's set in North Carolina!
    The directors/screen writers make no qualms about where their political ideologies lie, this film criticizes a Republican legislative race by simply making fun of all the ridiculous things politicians do. But it also makes fun of the media, by showing some of the ridiculous things they do. Big money runs the world, buys the race, and, of course, wants fewer regulations so that we can be like China, so they can increase profits by saving on shipping
   There are plenty of funny moments, but there are also times where they go a little too far. But really, what else can you expect from Will Ferrell and Zach Galifainakis. On the whole, they really do make for a great team. This movie hits a few low blows, but if you're willing to accept that it's supposed to be a comedy making fun of everything, like Taladega Nights for Nascar, then you should find the humor.
    However, I still cringed at some parts that were ridiculous and supposed to be funny, but also seemed to be taken straight out of the headlines. Made it a little less funny. Then there were some things taken straight out of the headlines: a picture of a penis tweeted to a mistress, a $400 hair cut, and much much more.
    If you want to see a ridiculous movie, pay attention to politics, and are fed up with how things seem to be running right now, then this is definitely the movie for you. If you are a Republican and can handle all the jibes, then don't be afraid. If you're most anyone else, you probably should skip this one.
    In the end, I give this a 6 out of 10. Be sure to stay after some of the credits, there's a gem of a jibe at Citizens United!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

     I like the Bourne movies, mostly. They have their moments of wanna-be intense filming through chase scenes that make you almost nauseous with the bouncy camera, but on the whole, they're pretty good, and fun! This newest installment, though without Matt Damon, or Jason Bourne, is still good. Part of that might be because I have a thing for Jeremy Renner and that Rachel Weiss is one of my favorite actresses, but I'll try to be unbiased.
   This one is a little bit different because it does not involve Jason Bourne, but I think you learn more about his whole sordid history that way. In this, we learn more about how far the conspiracy and the super-spies go. There are even more programs that we thought, surprise! There's even something new and supposedly better out there too, so these movies may never end! Just like Eric Van Lustbader continues to write the stories under the deceased Robert Ludlum at the expense of his own fascinating series. BUT, I digress.......
    If you're looking for a good action movie that will hold your attention with questions, intrigue, and even a little bit of romance a la Bourne 1, then this is the movie for you! If you wanted some amazing story that cleared up everything about the dirty government behind Jason Bourne and his legacy, haha, then this is probably not the movie for you. I still want to know more about why this program was started, by whom, and just really how far it goes. So, I guess I should read the books? That's what they're for you know. Movies cannot possibly capture everything a book can, especially when the book was written before the movie. BUT, once again, I digress.
    This kept my attention while I was watching it, it was fun, suspenseful, and full of action scenes and Jeremy Renner being a bamf, but I don't think I will own this either. The chase scenes with the really shaky camera and what-not are just too much sometimes. Also, Jeremy Renner was never shirtless!
    In the end, I give this a 7 out of 10, it was good, not great.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

    Christopher Nolan's Batman series is excellent, and the last installment, unlike most other third movies, is just as excellent as the first two. I think I liked the Dark Knight better, butt only because Heath Ledger's Joker is the best and it cannot be beaten. Bane is nice and creepy, and so are his followers, but the Joker still takes the cake on super creepy, super evil, super villains! Also, I still cannot believe that Tom Hardy is Bane, crazy!
    This movie has it all: a story, flow, action, humor, growth and development, and a satisfying, yet incomplete ending! There was plenty of boom, lots of toys, and really impressive explosion scenes. There were new characters introduced, (Catwoman, Blake (Robin), and another police officer) and a new potential story line left open at the end. 
    This movie kind of roller-coastered. The beginning starts with plenty of bang and plenty of questions. Then there is this whole development and past relation thrown in the middle, still with plenty of questions. Then it ends with a conclusion, some bang, and a little bit of a twist, all of which leaves fewer questions.
    Christian Bale is excellent as usual, despite the silly batman voice, and I noticed that Christopher Nolan used a lot of his Inception actors. Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, and Cillian Murphy are all in both films and are all excellent in both as well!
    All-in-all, I give this movie a 9 out of 10. I will probably go see it again.....

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man

All-in-all, pretty amazing. I love Emma Stone and I love Andrew Garfield. The chemistry they have is pretty awesome, not to mention he is just adorable!
     This story-line is a little different from Spider-Man, and I liked it. Peter Parker wins the girl from the beginning, the spiders are connected to his father, and there is an even more sinister leader of Oscorp. All bonuses to the story, I think. It flowed well, it was suspenseful, it was funny, there was action, and it even made me cry (a little)!
     The 3D, again, messed it up some. I've said it before, I'll say it again: I hate the damn 3D movement! It wasn't so bad, until the end. Apparently, if you actually watched it in 3D, it wasn't bad or distracting, but just think about how many of us actually have 3D tvs.......not that many. So, when you buy the movie and watch it at home, you are going to be disappointed and/or discombobulated with the damn 3D filming in 2D style. Arg!
   I definitely think this is better than the first Spider-Man, though maybe not better than the 2nd (that one was the best). I definitely like Andrew Garfield better than Toby McGuire, and I definitely like Emma Stone better than Kirsten Dunst. I know I'm not supposed to compare the two, because they are two different stories, but it's hard not to.
   In the end, this gets two ratings, like Madagascar 3. A 9 out of 10 without 3D and a 7 out of 10 with 3D.....

Madea's Witness Protection

      I love Madea. She is pretty funny, and this movie was the first one I've seen that is ALL about her. Instead of Madea being the funny comedic relief to a serious story, she is the center piece of a a comedy she can call her own.  The problem is that I cannot say I liked it better. Madea might be better as the comedic relief, not the center-piece.
     This movie was pretty funny, it made me laugh at moments. However, some of the Madea scenes were simply drug out too long. For example, Madea when on her first plane trip, and by the time she got through security I was no longer laughing and just wanted her to get on the damn plane already!
     There's really not a whole lot to say. It is a Tyler Perry movie, it's funny. It's different because there are white people, which I don't think either added or took away from the film. As one of my friends said, it is somewhat refreshing that the movie is not about an abused woman who is trying to find her way back into the world, but maybe Tyler Perry should have stuck to a formula that really works. 
      Like I said, I liked the movie, it was just overall kind of meh. Jim's Dad gets in trouble because he is just so oblivious he didn't realize he was running a ponzi scheme or that his family was falling apart. Madea kind of whips them all into shape, Jim's Dad has an epiphany, the day is saved, and it all ends well. Hooray!
      In the end, I give this movie a 5 out of 10.

Magic Mike

     This is Magic Mike, pretty. Channing TatumJoe ManganielloMatt BomerAdam RodriguezMatthew McConaughey, and Alex Pettyfer are pretty. That's about it, as far as pluses for the movie.
      The plot pretty much sucked. I think that the directors/producers/etc. got so involved in the male strippers and the stripping scenes that the story kind of fell by the way side. The assumption was that enough pretty men would draw enough women to make it worth it. It worked, I paid to go see them. I will not pay to go see them again. If you want to see good dancing and Channing Tatum, watch Step Up. However, he is not nearly as naked in Step Up as he is in Magic Mike, and the other hotties aren't in Step Up either.
     As my sister said, the movie ends unresolved. Alex Pettyfer plays a messed up kid who lets attention get the best of him. He looses himself even more in the girls, money, and eventually drugs, and just when you think he is about to learn his lesson and grow up, he doesn't. Channing Tatum's change almost makes up for that static, but the movie just ends before that is really developed either.
    I left with a sense of mush. On the one hand, I liked seeing pretty, half-naked boys dancing provocatively for an almost solid two hours. On the other hand, I did not like many of the characters, and there was no real conclusion. Maybe the latter will be resolved in the already rumored Magic Mike 2? ha
    In the end, I give this movie a 5 out of 10 for women, and a 1 out of 10 for men. Yes, the guys are THAT pretty! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

     Finally, a movie just as good as I wanted it to be!! Damn the critics, this movie was great fun! If you read, and liked, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, then you will like this movie. The same writer does the same thing, and it is very clever. The well-known story of Abraham Lincoln is imbued with a touch of the supernatural by adding vampires!
     Tim Burton and the guy that did Wanted, Timur Bekmambetov, directed this film. That means that it is somewhat gruesome and has crazy, slow-motion battle scenes. It also means that this is going to be even more emphasized in 3D. And strangely enough, I didn't even mind the 3D, it actually fit with this movie because the style was enhanced by the 3D, not changed to make it 3D.
     Benjamin Walker, who looks A LOT like Liam Neeson, did a great job as young and old Abraham Lincoln. Dominic Cooper and Rufus Sewell were also great, as usual. Rufus Sewell is a reliably good evil person and Dominic Cooper adds some badass-ness to his already diverse skill set.
     Some of the turns or surprises were pretty predictable and the story makes a bit of a mockery of Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and really that whole time period. However, it is still great fun, if you realize what you are watching is just for fun. I mean really, the title is Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer, you're not supposed to take it seriously. But that doesn't mean it's supposed to be the same kind of thing as Not Another Teen Movie. This means that it is a serious story in a ridiculous setting. This means that you are supposed to take the movie seriously and not seriously all at the same time. It's great!
       In the end, I give this movie 8 out of 10!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


      I was really excited to see this movie, it looked awesome. Instead, I was kind of disappointed. I was expecting a great adventure story, and would have even appreciated another "Disney Princess" being added to the mix (most of the Disney Princesses are not terribly weak women and awful role models that need to be replaced). However, that is not how this story really went. Instead, this movie was essentially a cartoon version of Freaky Friday, but instead of actually switching bodies, the daughter just turned her mom into a bear.
      From the previews, it looked like this was going to be a movie about a girl trying to find her own destiny and breaking all the rules at the same time, however, it was not. Instead Merida, the princess, was mostly just a brat who didn't want to get married. So, she whined about it, threw a fit, ran away, and then changed her mom into a bear because she wouldn't listen. Her mother didn't do a good job listening or communicating either. She didn't QUITE understand that her daughter was not ready to get married or be a queen. So, both are in the wrong. This means that in order for the spell to be broken they have to listen and understand one another, like they did when Merida was younger. Hence the Freaky Friday analogy. Blah.
       The animation was pretty, the scenes were pretty, and the music was great fun (I do love pretty much all Irish/Celtic music :)). It was a fun story, I laughed at some parts (the demon brothers were great!), held my breathe at others, and did enjoy the movie. It just wasn't what I was expecting or really in the mood to see at the time. There were also a few moments where the story seemed to head in one direction and then completely flip a few minutes later. And there were a few points that were never really explained or connected to the main story line. During the movie, I was surprised that it ended the way it did. It felt as if the producers realized they were approaching the 90 minute mark for children's movies and simply ended without much care for the progression of the story.
       This might be one time where I really do agree with A LOT of the critics comments. If this movie had been produced by someone other than Disney/Pixar, then it would have been fine. However, it was rather blah and subpar, especially when compared to Cars, Finding Nemo, and Monster's Inc.
      Leaving the theater, I probably would have given this movie a 6 out of 10. However, now considering all the things I truly found disappointing, I think it deserves a 4.5 out of 10. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman

       So, when I left the theater, I couldn't quite decide what I thought about the movie. On the way home, I think I decided I liked it. It was entertaining, I never felt bored during the movie, but I don't think it's one I like enough to own. I will probably see it again, at the $2 theater or on redbox or netflix, but I won't actually buy it.
       First, I hate Kristen Stewart, but she was either pretty removed from the main view, or I just simply ignored her. So, despite the fact that she was the main character, Snow White, I wasn't overwhelmed with her awfulness. However, not only did she attempt a brittish accent of some sort, but she also gave what was supposed to be an inspiring pep talk to battle. The accent was awful and the pep talk was less than lack luster. But if those are the only complaints, then one point for the movie!
        Second, Charlize Theron was awesome at being evil, and slightly sympathetic in the end.  She and Chris Hemsworth ended up being the true stars because he was great as well, it also doesn't hurt that he's just pretty to look at and listen too. :) I think they are why I ended up liking the movie in the end.
      The story line was a little different from your average Snow White and I liked the twist. It could definitely have been better with a stronger and more present Snow White and without so many skips and holes. They tried really hard to combine the Snow White story with an explanation for the evilness of the evil queen and a twist on the prince charming that combined two different love stories. It could have been a great intermingling, if it was done more effectively.
      The movie itself was very pretty. The landscapes were nice, the fairies were cool, and the visualization of good and evil in nature was a nice touch.
       In the end, I like Once Upon A Time's fairy tale interpretation much better, but this was definitely better than Mirror Mirror's take. So, I'd say a 5.5 out of 10.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

       Overall, I'd say this was a pretty good movie. It made me laugh, there was suspense, and it had a pretty good plot line. The movie starts with the Penguins leaving Africa with the promise to come back for Alex, Marty, Melmin, Gloria, King Julian, Maurice, and Mort. However, those left in Africa get restless and decide they want to leave now. They track down the Penguins, run into trouble, and are forced to join the circus to evade the police and a crazy animal killer.
       The crazy animal killer is a little bit much and does some pretty horrible and disgusting things while trying to capture/kill the wild animals, but she does prove to be a persistent villain and pushes the plot along when it stumbles or stalls.
      There are also plenty of moments of adult humor thrown in to keep those with children, or big children like myself, entertained when it starts to get a little too childish (at one point the Russian tiger yells, "That's Bull-Shevik!"). I'd say this movie is on-par with the first and second ones, it really was pretty well done.
      However, I don't like 3D, and this movie was MADE for 3D. I saw the regular version, and would have liked it more if everything wasn't so exaggerated so that it could really pop out at you in 3D. I'm sure children that go see the 3D version will love Melmin seeming to talk in their faces, and the fancy light show towards the end, but enough is enough! The movie would have been a lot more enjoyable if I couldn't feel the 3D shoved in my face, even in 2D.
     In the end, I give it 6 out of 10, it would be 8 without the stupid 3D.