Monday, December 3, 2012


     I love the Bond movies. I love them all, Casino Royal, Quantum of Solace, Tomorrow Never Dies, Goldeneye, Goldfinger, Live and Let Die, etc. So, I love new Bond and classic Bond almost equally. With that in mind, I really liked this movie. It really highlighted the differences between Daniel Craig's Bond, the new Bond, said it was sticking with the new Bond, and seemed to assuage the haters doubts about the new Bond all at the same time. Not to mention, Javier Bardem is simply amazing. He was certifiably and terrifyingly crazy, but soooo good!
    The new Bond is somewhat less glamorous, in that he is more human (yes, he gets seriously tortured and takes time to recover), has fewer toys, and has real feelings, but he is still just as much of a suave badass as Sean Connery. That badassness is affirmed, or for some finally shown, in this movie. I think one of the best examples is in the previews, and the first few moments of the movie, when Daniel Craig is running along the top of the train, that the bad guy tries to separate to get rid of him, and he jumps off of a crane, into the train car just as the crane rips away half of the the train car, and acts as if he was just simply walking from one car into another as he continues chasing the bad guy. Crazy. However, I think these movies are better than other Bond movies in that not only is Daniel Craig still a badass, but there is also depth to his character.Yes, James Bond is the ultimate spy, but I like the fact that he can still be human, and gets attached, and he is just as good/bad of a shot as the people who are trying to shoot him (it's pretty ridiculous to watch some of the other  movies where James Bond is constantly being shot at, is always missed, but HE happens to hit everyone he tries to shoot).
     So, not only does this movie keep what I like about the new Bond, it also pays its respects to the old Bonds. There is a funny little quip from the new Q that they don't need the fancy-schmancy, over-the-top toys because that is just ridiculous. Daniel Craig brings out his Bond car, guns in the headlights and all. The love connection with Money Penny begins. Etc. I think these things are what takes the movie from good, like the first two Daniel Craig movies, into great. They are no longer developing/explaining Bond. He has suffered his trials and tribulations, and is now firmly rooted in both the past and future in a way that ensures Daniel Craig's continued presence in the series. This is good news, because he is beautiful. :)
    So, in the end, I give his movie a 8 out of 10. It was enjoyable, and I want to go see it again. I think I'll like it more the more I watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this one. I watched it the day after I galavanted all over London town so it was cool to see the places I had just been visiting the day before. Definitely better than Quantum of Solace!
