Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2

    So, I not only went ot see this movie the night it came out, but I also sat through almost an entire marathon of the first 4 movies. At one point I thought I was a fan, I have changed my mind. Apparently I am very good at skipping over things I don't like, so when I read the books (yes I will admit to that) I blocked out the utter annoyance that is Bella Swan and focused on the rest of the characters. In the book, they were good and I could do that. The movies are a completely different story. When I first sawa Twilight, I just thought the movie was terrible because of Kristen Stewart and because they messed up a lot of things in the book. However, after watching it again along with all the other movies, I have decided that my first impression was not wrong, but it was not complete either. These movies are crap, this story is crap, and Bella Swan (and Kristen Stewart) is the most annoying, pathetic, whinny character I have put up with.
   That being said, Breaking Dawn, Part 2, was actually pretty decent. Bella was stronger, no longer pathetic, and actually had some feistiness. It also probably helped that she was not the focal point. There are so many new characters added in this segment that you get to forget the annoying original for a little bit. Garrett is super hot, Benjamin is pretty cute too. Getting to see how they put together everyone's powers is pretty cool too. Edward and Jacob finally stop fighting, Bella stops flip flopping and being sad and pathetic, there is a fight scene, a happy ending, and it's finally over (I think). So, there is a win for everyone!!!
   I still hate Kristen Stewart, but Jasper's hair is better, Edward is not so pale, the wolves still prance around shirtless, and there is new eye candy! How they show Bella's sheild is pretty interesting. Martin Sheen is fantastic. There are quite a few humorous moments. All-in-all, I couldn't really complain. Now, if I watch this movie again (which is debatable) outside of the influence of the other Twilight movies, I might not have such good things to say. But, given that caveat, this movie really was pretty enjoyable. It has love, it has action, it has some hints of sex, it has humor, and it has an ENDING! What else could you ask for?
   In the end, I give this movie an 8 out of 10 when compared to the other movies in the series and a 6 out of 10 when taken out of it's element.

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