Tuesday, January 14, 2014


        Matt Damon is yummy! And that may be all this movie really has going for it. It's not bad, it's not good, it's just kind of blah. And then there's Matt Damon. I mean Jodie Foster also plays her role well, she's plenty conniving and power hungry, and you really want her to die, but she just doesn't add enough to make the rest of the movie good
    I couldn't make it through all of District 9, partially because the filming was a little nauseating, so I guess this is an improvement over that for the director. There just isn't much to say. It's pretty cliche/over done story, and the addition of the sci-fi element (meaning it's just set half in space) doesn't change or add anything to the story. We have a rich v. poor world. The rich have destroyed the world, and now they get to live in utter happiness/cleanliness on their new home in space while the poor are stuck in the rotting hole of earth. Matt Damon doesn't care, until he gets severe radiation poisoning and cannot accept the fact that he is going to die. But wait! In the end he decides it's worth dying for a good cause, and the rich/poor dynamic gets a little shaken up by his actions. Surprise!
   To be fair, the technology and things in this are pretty cool, if sometimes a little gross (Matt Damon is turned into a weapon by having it literally attached to his bones). But, that might really be the only other thing that made this movie worth watching.
    In the end, I give this a 6 out of 10, yes, I like Matt Damon that much!

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